
Consumables and Accessories

Consumables and Accessories purification products are the parts of the purification system that get replaced most often; the majority of cartridges, filters and disinfection packages have a product life of 6 – 12 months depending on usage. 

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100 litre external tank - standard, L998402

100 litre external tank - standard L998402

100 litre external tank with UV,L998411

100 litre external tank with UV L998411

50 litre external tank - standard,L998401

50 litre external tank - standard,L998401

50 litre external tank with UV,L998410

50 litre external tank with UV L998410

Membrane Select M996001

Membrane Select 40 RO Pack

Water cartridge Simplicity SIMPAKORI

Water cartridge for Millipore Simplicity Each

Water Filter Cartridges LBRCM1002

Water Filter Cartridges, 4 bowl analytical kit Each

Disinfection Pack Adaptor L998549

Disinfection Pack Adaptor